My boat is a racing boat--or was. It has no windlass. I bought a new one,but it will be difficult to fit it. My plan is a pair of anchors on the bow with some chain and the two handed "Arm" windlass for now. I'm strong enough to handle these anchors by myself. I've hauled up all chain anchors by myself in the past. So I need two mounts, two rodes, and some chain. I will get a big Delta and a bigger Rocna or equivalent. I plan to supersize the Rocna by two over the recommended, and buy a Delta, probably one size larger than recommended, and use the Delta most of the time. I have a massive Danforth, that I will find a way to mount on the stern. The Danforth would be the best for soft mud but it is so hard to stow that I hate it actually. I'm debating cutting a well in the deck near the gunwhale and fabricating a place to store this anchor, with a drain--right there, like the J-44's have. It reduces weight on the bow and gets it out of the way, and aft. That will take some time and is not a priority, unless I can find a pre-made Danforth locker I can purchase and glass in easily. Is this enough anchors? Three is minimum. I would not mind four. ECHO is rather heavy, and the penalty is not that great for carrying extra weight. I can always move the anchors below and aft when sailing on the ocean.