Thursday, June 6, 2013

Companionway Sole

More progress on bonding the panels damaged at the companionway.

 The picture below shows the completed repair on the starboard side.  It needs perhaps minor touchup on the edge but is basically done.

Over on the port side I exposed a bit more damaged flooring and glued in some foam core.  I made a dam out of thickened epoxy and let it set up.  The idea being to poor more epoxy, with less thickener and some flow characteristics in the gap.I wanted to focus on the edges to fill any area under the existing top layer of fiberglass.

Here is the result the following day (yesterday).  A bit messy, and in need of filling in the middle with un-thickened epoxy for maximum penetration.  You can see how doing the edges would contain the thin epoxy in the middle.

Here is that same area after grinding. There is a low spot on the bottom side (near my shoe).  I ground that area back so that I could build it up some with fiberglass.

Fiberglass matt, cut and ready to place.  I plan to start with a fe

w small pieces to build up a low spot followed by two layers in single pieces on top.  

Here you can see through the layers of fiberglass.  I wanted to put a top layer of fiberglass cloth, but decided to wait on that.  I will grind this down today and smooth it out before deciding what to do next.  It is just about done.  One more session with the grinder and 24 grit sandpaper should do it.

I will still need o scoop out some core on the edges of these panels around the engine bay.  I do not want water getting in there.  I may scoop them out and let them dry out some before filling.  I may also go around with a moisture meter and find other problem areas, and fill these by drilling holes in the top and injecting epoxy.  The floors are pretty solid now, so that would be overkill.

The good thing is I'll be able to use the companionway ladder again.