Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Bilge Pump and Exhaust Hoses

I am short about 8' of hose to complete the bilge pump hose reinstall.   I need 8' for the aft bilge compartment drain and 8' to connect the manual bilge pump. 

The manual bilge pump is a replacement someone bought and they also glassed over the old mount because this one won't fit. I'll need a 90 deg elbow fitting to mount it where it belongs, or else a whole new pump. I'd rather have one with a removable handle. I'll investigate that. 

Here is the aft side of the bulkhead with the exhaust hose connected. I still need to fabricate mount for some glass tubing and a means to secure the other anti-siphon loop in the transom.  Plus I need a few more 3" diameter hose clamps. 

Here are the two electric bilge pump hoses securely connected.  The other side is temporarily attached. Ill need the bilge drain secured, then the exhaust hose, and then the three bilge pump hoses attached on the other side. 

This side needs one more hose and then I can install the upper half of the bulkhead panel.  Once that is in, these four hoses will be difficult to reach. 

The bolt sticking out needs to come off. It is a remnant of a prior steering system. 

This is a photo for the record of the steering system. The cable are removed at the moment and a lamp illuminates the bilge. 

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