Sunday, August 4, 2013

Shelf Installation

Friday I installed a shelf on the starboard side.  It fills a gap between the aft bulkhead and a portion of the area under the cockpit seating. I build a jig to line up a panel of 3/4" plywood with plastic underneath and tabbed in two edges on the top. I'm waiting on the bulkhead side, and will tab in from underneath next. 

Here is what it looked like with the guide jig removed. 

Note the bulkhead visible on the bottom will continue up.  I plan to shorten the deck shower hoses (red and blue hoses).  The white hose is used for the deck shower and I may design something to contain those hoses and allow the adjacent space to be used for storing motor and transmission oil or perhaps  I need to consider how to drain this compartment in case a leak occurs. 

Today I repeated the process for the port side, and with experience this went faster.  That side houses the shore power  and cable TV connection.  This would be a good location to store dry items like oil filters and perhaps spare parts.

Both these shelves and the bulkhead will be useful for supporting the upper bunks. 

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