Sunday, August 11, 2013

More Tabbing

I am running out of tabbing jobs. And I am running out of materials. Do I buy a full roll, or do I order a length. I feel like ordering a full roll and some more cloth and non-epoxy resin for the aft cabin. 

Today I tabbed in one section under the starboard side shelf--the top is already done. I used a wide board to apply pressure.  Next I tabbed in an area that did not bond well on a previous attempt. This was where the two aft bulkhead panels join each other. Then I tabbed in the front side of the short fuel tank bulkhead all the way across. Some places had no tabbing and others did--with a good bond. Finally, I tabbed in the top of the aft head bulkhead where it meets the deck. It was a small piece so I used extra material, mat and roving to replace one small piece of broken roving.


Next I finished the inside priming. It has been a long day and I want to make it one of my most productive.   

Prop Prep

My Prop showed some pitting from barnacles. I was very disappointed to find this. The stainless steel strut and shaft suffered no pitting. I wish my prop was stainless steel. 

Now I must decide how to protect it better. I am thinking about priming it with epoxy primer, sanding it smooth and painting it with epoxy paint, follower by anti-fouling prop paint. The smoother my prop is, the more efficient it will be. A rough prop is very bad. Mine is a Flexifold. It is optimized for going forwards. My boat does not back up at all. I need a larger rudder and e en that won't help for backing up. 

Here it is folded.

Opened without zincs installed. 


I spend most of yesterday priming interior spaces and then switched to sanding the boards I had outside of he boat. 

Today I finished sanding, including some time consuming hand sanding, and I am ready to spray paint eight (8) boards and two (2) larger pieces. 

My paint sprayer and working table:

Here they are ready to paint. 

Paint with isocyanates involves at least two layers of clothing, one being a protective suit.  Long paints tucked into sock and long sleeve shirt, mask, g cap, environmental suit on top with goggles holding the hood in place. 

Actual spraying took 39 minutes. I spent more time prepping everything.  With a littler Iuck, I can get a second coat on today.