Monday, August 12, 2013

Forward Cockpit Drains

I had a late drawing up my fuel tank plans, watching my brother blast his future garage, and running to West Marine for paint and primer. 

After spraying a second coat of paint on my settee boards I was soaked and took a break for 20 minutes to cool off. The shadows were getting long but I had to place another piece of overhead tabbing on the port side shelf, and I wanted to get the cockpit drains bulkhead pass-thru tabbed in on the forward side. 

This leave two small 13" pieces of tabbing for the shelves left to do. Ill do one a day then next few days to wrap that up. 

Drilling two 1.5" holes was easy. I was not happy with the length of one of my pass thru fiberglass tubes--cutting a longer one was easy too. 

So  few more minutes work on the other side tomorrow and a bit of work with a dremel sander and I can reinstall those two drains and not worry about ECHO's bilge filling with water when it rains. 

I have noticed a few minor jeans where fresh water gets into ECHO.  Both of the cockpit drains leak at the cockpit sole.  I was unable to remove those last year. Perhaps caulking is the solution.  I have a leak at the emergency rudder cover plate. That was seal well, I thought, last year. And I have two small leaks at the tow rail amidships--very minor.