Thursday, August 1, 2013

Estimating Air Conditioning BTU Requirements

I made a rough estimate of ECHO's volume excluding the collision bulkhead spaces.

2000 cubic feet is perhaps a little on the high side, and I am OK with that given that my deck is flush and seems to absorb a lot of heat in direct sunlight. 

14 times is a multiplier for cubic volume to estimate the BTU cooling needs of a boat.  With this estimate ECHO needs 28,000 BTU's of cooling. 

So now the question is how do I accomplish this?

One 28,000 BTU or greater air conditioner with ducting could accomplish this economically but require a more complex control system.

Another option would be to use a number of air conditioners.  This would cost more but allow me to start with one small air conditioner suitable for one cabin and add more later.  It avoids running ductwork and a complicated control system.  I would occupy more space.

Space limitations may dictate the option I choose. 


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